DC Taxicabs

The DC metro area falls into several jurisdictions, in two states and the District of Columbia. With each county, district, or city comes a new set of taxicab rates and rules. For each taxi, rates are determined by the county or city in which the cab is licensed. This will typically be the same as where your trip originates, but this is a guideline, not a rule. For a few short trips, rates are similar, but for longer trips, price differences can become substantial. If you are planning to catch a cab in the DC area, it’s useful to be aware and educated about the prices and options out there.

The tables below shows the different rates for areas closest to DC, as well as the city of Baltimore. Each jurisdiction has a section of notes following the tables to explain differences extra charges, and other footnotes. To get a general idea of taxi cost, you may wish to use a service such as Google maps to find travel distance, and use the rates below to approximate the total fare and charges for your trip.

Notably, the Washington Flyer taxi service is the only service which is allowed to originate from Dulles International Airport (though any company should be able to bring you to the airport). Reagan National airport charges a $2.50 surcharge for trips originating there.

Mileage Rates

Initial Charge Incremental Cost Cost per Mile (not including initial charge)
Alexandria County $2.75 first 1/6th mile $0.34 add’l 1/6th mile $2.04 per mile
District of Columbia $3.00 first 1/6th mile $0.25 add’l 1/6th mile $1.50 per mile
Arlington County $2.75 first 1/5th mile $0.40 add’l 1/5th mile $2.00 per mile
Fairfax County $3.25 first 1/5th mile $0.40 add’l 1/5th mile $2.00 per mile
Montgomery County $4.00 first 1/4th mile $0.50 add’l 1/4th mile $2.00 per mile
Prince George’s County $3.00 first 1/7th mile $0.25 add’l 1/7th mile $1.75 per mile
Washing Flyer (IAD) $3.50 first 1/4th mile $0.50 add’l 1/4th mile $2.00 per mile
Baltimore City $1.80 per 1/11th mile $0.20 add’l 1/11th mile $2.20 per mile

Additional Rates and Charges

Waiting Costs Waiting Costs Hourly Additional Passengers Snow Emergency
Alexandria County $0.34 per 54 seconds $22.67 $1.50 $5.00
District of Columbia $0.25 per min $15.00 $1.50 25% of base fare
Arlington County $0.40 per 64 seconds $22.50 $1.00
Fairfax County $0.40 per 68 seconds $21.18 $1.00
Montgomery County $0.47 per min $28 $1.00 $2.50
Prince George’s County $0.25 per min $15.00 $1.00 $3.00
Washing Flyer (IAD) $0.45 per 80 seconds $20.25 $1.50 per mile $2.50
Baltimore City


Alexandria County

  • Additional riders under the age of 5 are free
  • $0.50 per suitcase in excess of 2 handled by driver
  • $1.00 if driver carries 3 or more suitcases to residence
  • $1.00 for 3 or more grocery or shopping bags handled by driver
  • $1.00 if driver carries 3 or more grocery or shopping bags to residence
  • $1.00 per animal (no charge for guide dogs or service animals assisting people with disabilities)
  • $2.00 for large items (typically greater than 3 cubic feet) except for wheelchairs or walkers

District of Columbia

  • Additional riders under the age of 6 are free
  • $0.50 for each bag in excess of 1 handled by driver
  • $2.00 for each article in excess of 3 cubic feet
  • $1.00 for small animals not enclosed in a box or basket, except for guide dogs
  • $2.00 dispatch fee
  • $1.50 for dismissal without use after cab has arrived
  • Waiting time includes:
    1. Time consumed while taxi is waiting for passenger beginning 5 minutes after the time of arrival at pickup location. (No charge for premature pick up).
    2. Time consumed while taxicab is stopped or slowed to a speed below 10 mph for longer than 60 seconds
    3. Time consumed for delays and stopovers en route at the direction of the passenger

Arlington County

  • Additional riders under the age of 7 are free
  • $1.00 for each bag in excess of 2 if handled by driver
  • $2.00 for each large item
  • Waiting time includes:
    1. Time consumed while the taxi is waiting for the passenger beginning 5 minutes after the time of arrival at pick up location (no time charged for premature pick up)
    2. Time consumed while the taxi is stopped for traffic
    3. Time consumed for delays or stopovers at direction of the passenger
    4. Not including time lost due to the inefficiency of the taxi

Fairfax County

  • Additional riders under the age of 12 are free
  • $0.50 per bag handled by the driver
  • $0.25 for each grocery or shopping bag in excess of 2 handled by the driver (not exceeding $1.00)
  • $2.00 for items greater than 3 cubic feet if handled by the driver
  • $1.00 for each animal (no charge for guide dogs or service animals assisting people with disabilities)
  • $4.00 cleaning charge if taxi is left unsanitary and requires immediate cleaning

Montgomery County

  • Additional riders under 5 years of age and personal care attendants are free
  • $5.00 for additional riders on trips paid with county grant funds
  • $1.00 for each animal (no charge for guide dogs or service animals assisting people with disabilities
  • Wait time begins 5 minutes after a cab was called for
  • $2.00 for personal service loading items at passenger’s request
  • $2.00 for pickup and delivery service performed

Prince George’s County

  • Additional riders under the age of 6, older than the age of 60, or attendants providing physical assistance to the disabled ride free
  • $1.00 charge for animals (no charge for guide dogs or service animals assisting people with disabilities)
  • $1.00 when trip originates between 8pm and 6 am

Washington Flyer

  • Additional riders under the age of 6 ride free when accompanied by an adult
  • Waiting time includes:
    1. Time consumed while taxi is waiting for passengers beginning 5 minutes after the time of arrival at pickup location (No time charged for premature pickup)
    2. Time consumed when taxi is stopped or slowed to a speed of less than 10 mpg
    3. Time consumed for stopovers en route at the direction of the passenger
  • Baltimore City

    • $0.50 for trips between 9pm and 5am
    • $0.30 for each county mile
    • $1.00 surcharge when taxi arrives within 30 minutes of call for service
    • $1.00 for taxi called but not used
    • $30.00 flat rate from downtown Baltimore to BWI
    • $30.00 flat rate from Locust Point cruise ship terminal to BWI


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