This map of the DC Metro system can be one of the most important tools for any DC traveler. Image by cburnett (CC BY-SA 2.0)
The map of the DC Metro subway system is any rider’s best friend. Copies of the map can be found posted by the doors of every car, and on station platforms. It provides information about which stations are on which line, and the order in which they go; key information to know when planning any DC Metro trip. When you know what direction you'll be heading, and which line you need to be on, take note of the last station on the line in that direction. Most indicators, including signs and information pylons on the platform, will use these terminal stations to indicate train direction. If you plan on heading east on the Orange Line, for example, you want to look for a train whose destination is New Carrollton.
Trains themselves indicate their direction as the last station that they will be visiting. While this is typically the last station on a line, this may not always be the case. During various parts of the day, or during construction, some trains may run a shorter route.
Of special interest are areas of shared track and platforms, and transfer points:
In addition to the stations which are shared between lines, transfer points are: